The Alberta Home Visitation Network Association is a provincial non-profit society that promotes quality home visitation programs.
In Alberta, Home Visitation programs offer parents and parents- to-be support as they navigate the early childhood years. The program provides families with information on child development and parent-child interaction. The goal is empowering parents to raise resilient children who are healthy, safe and secure.
Home Visitation focuses on strengthening and supporting families by:
- building relationships
- teaching problem-solving skills
- encouraging positive parent-child relationships
- supporting early childhood growth and development
- linking to community resources
What is Home Visitation?
In Alberta, Home Visitation programs offer parents and parents- to-be support as they navigate the early childhood years. The program provides families with information on child development and parent-child interaction. The goal is empowering parents to raise resilient children who are healthy, safe and secure.
Home Visitation focuses on strengthening and supporting families by:
- building relationships
- teaching problem-solving skills
- encouraging positive parent-child relationships
supporting early child growth and development
- linking to community resources
How AHVNA Helps Families
AHVNA supports agencies that provide Home Visitation services for families with children aged 0 to 6 years. The goal is to promote best practices in the field of Home Visitation.
Parents learn about child development, critical thinking development, parenting skills and problem solving from their Home Visitor. Mastering these skills help parents support their child’s growth. AHVNA helps Home Visitors expand their knowledge in these areas and more, so they can facilitate activities that promote parent-child bonding and attachment for the families they serve. We offer a variety of training opportunities for Home Visitors, including early childhood development and parenting workshops.
Why does Home Visitation work?
- Home Visitation provides an opportunity to partner with families in their context and focus services on their strengths, needs and values.
- Home Visitation reaches isolated families unable to participate in other services.