Alberta Home Visitation
Network Association


The Alberta Home Visitation Network Association is a provincial non-profit society that promotes quality home visitation programs.

AHVNA was incorporated as a society in 2001 and received charitable status in April 2005. We are a member-driven organization comprised of interested individuals, community-based agencies, early education programs, literacy programs, Indigenous serving agencies, Metis Settlements, Home Visitation programs, and Family Resource Networks. The membership is comprised of programs and individuals that have an interest in home visitation as a practice and early childhood, with an emphasis on ages 0 to 6. AHVNA is funded through Alberta Children’s Services to provide training and support for provincially funded home visitation spokes within the Family Resource Networks. Other sources of funding include various grants as well as membership fees, course fees and donations.

AHVNA promotes best practices and standards through:

  • Providing training and networking opportunities
  • Sharing information about training opportunities
  • Centralized research and evaluation resources
  • Coaching and implementation follow-up support for Home Visitation training
  • Connections publication and web resources

Our Background

AHVNA is a grassroots organization that was formed in 1998/99 after two “Creating Healthy Families” conferences were held in the province. Participants at these conferences encouraged the provincial government to develop voluntary, long-term home visitation programs. These programs would support families with children aged 0 to 6 facing challenges that may place their children at risk and keep them from developing to their full potential.

In 1999, a group of interested representatives from community-based agencies and home visitation programs met regularly to share information about the home visitation programs in their communities and to discuss concerns about program development and delivery. It was felt that while the meetings provide valuable networking, a provincial association and information resource centre would better meet the needs of Home Visitation programs across the province. The group decided to formalize the provincial association structure, develop key areas of work, establish a provincial resource centre and hire a director.

AHVNA Vision

Service providers receive the support necessary to provide quality Home Visitation services.

AHVNA Mission

To support the provision of quality, voluntary home visitation services promoting best possible outcomes for Alberta families with young children.

AHVNA Guiding Principles