Alberta Home Visitation
Network Association

Expired Developmental Parenting for Practitioners Training – Virtual Webinar #1 TIME CHANGE – SOLD OUT

  •  September 23, 2020
     9:30 am - 11:00 am
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Alberta Home Visitation Network Association

is offering

Developmental Parenting for Practitioners Training virtual webinar #1

Webinar #1 topic: Developmental Parenting (September 23, 2020): SOLD OUT


Parenting that supports child development and a strengths-based home visiting approach to support it.

This 90-minute session will be based on the principles in the book “Developmental Parenting”.    It will be facilitated by the authors Lori Roggman and Mark Innocenti. This workshop will be valuable for home visitors, family support workers, early childhood professionals and their supervisors. The focus of the developmental parenting program is on showing professionals how to put parents in charge of supporting their children’s development- resulting in strong parent-child relationships, healthy families and improved school readiness.

The webinars are 90 minutes long, interactive, adapted to the group, and require participation from each attendee. A series of webinars with before-webinar homework assignments, which can get you started on improving home visits

Webinar homework may involve readings and discussions, practicing with a measure, writing positive feedback statements, having an online discussion about how the measure fits with current program practices, or other activities.

The Developmental Parenting webinar #1 on September 23, 2020 is a pre-requisite for PICCOLO and HOVRS

What Developmental Parenting is about:

All the training (Developmental Parenting, PICCOLO and HOVRS) is based on practices described in the book, Developmental Parenting: A Guide for Early Childhood Practitioners by Lori Roggman, Lisa Boyce, and Mark Innocenti, (Brookes Publishing, 2008).

Developmental Parenting refers to parent behaviors that support children’s early development and to an intervention approach in which practitioners facilitate developmentally supportive parenting. Many parenting programs aim to help mothers and fathers support their children’s development, but programs vary in their effectiveness. Practitioners in these programs need to know which parenting behaviors support children’s early development (PICCOLO) and which strategies can effectively facilitate those behaviors (ABC’s, HOVRS).

To effectively promote developmental parenting, practitioners focus on aspects of parenting that are critical for supporting children’s development and identify what parents already do in their daily lives that can be expanded to support children’s development. Practitioners can use these strategies with parents from diverse ethnicities and backgrounds.

Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 (register by September 4, 2020if you would like to receive the Developmental Parenting book prior to the course)

Time: 9:30-11:00 a.m. TIME CHANGE

Location: Virtual- register on the AHVNA website and a ZOOM link will be sent the week prior to the webinar


AHVNA Members:                 $75.00 (includes book if you don’t already have one)

Home Visitation spoke:        Free of charge

Non-members:                        $100.00 (includes book if you don’t already have one)

Staff in provincially funded home visitation programs can attend at no charge as they are covered under a grant.

Provincially funded home visitation programs will be given priority.

Priority will be given to AHVNA members

Space is limited, please register early!

Other recommended topics on Developmental Parenting that are being offered – register separately for these workshops at

Webinar 2 topicBuilding Relationships (September 30, 2020)

Working with diverse families to support child development by building trust, enjoyment, and communication.

Webinar 3 topicResponding to family strengths(November 4, 2020)

Planning home visits together with families, adapting to family strengths that support child development.

Webinar 4 topic: Facilitating developmental parenting(November 18, 2020)

Feedback and collaboration to build knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy.