Alberta Home Visitation
Network Association

Expired FV Implementation Training (Virtual)

  • Day 1
     November 24, 2022
     9:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Day 2
     November 25, 2022
     9:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Day 3
     December 1, 2022
     9:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Day 4
     December 2, 2022
     9:00 am - 1:00 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

FV Implementation Training For the AHVNA FV protocol (Virtual)

Date: Thursday November 24, Friday November 25, Thursday  December 1, and Friday December 2 attendance at all four days required (register by Nov 14, 2022)

Time: 9:00-1:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual – Zoom

AHVNA Member: $125.00 per person

Non Member: $195.00 per person

Home Visitation or Early Childhood spoke: Free of charge


Please note: provincially funded Home Visitation and Early Childhood programs within a Family Resource Network (FRN) are covered under a grant for this workshop, the fee will be waived for their Home Visitation and Early Childhood staff. Indicate in the comments section that you are part of a provincially funded Home Visitation or Early Childhood Program.     

Priority will be given to AHVNA members

Space is limited

 Alberta Home Visitation Network Association


 Implementation Training for the AHVNA Family Violence Protocol

This four session training workshop is necessary for Home Visitors(front line staff) and Supervisors of programs or agencies implementing the AHVNA Family Violence Protocol. The Protocol describes how to screen for Family Violence and what to do in the case of either a positive or negative screen.

The training will focus on:

– understanding relationships impacted by Family Violence. While some Home Visitors may have education or work experience related to Family Violence this part of the workshop series is still required to ensure everyone has a common understanding of the issues.

– the protocol procedures and will give participants an opportunity to practice screening and responding to Family Violence.

Participants are asked to read the AHVNA protocol and appendices before attending the training. The protocol will be emailed to registered participants prior to the training.

A certificate will be provided to everyone attending the full four session training.

Virtual Training Expectations:

  • As this is a virtual training, not a webinar, each participant must have access to a camera, mic and internet
  • Requirements to receive a certificate:
    • Attend the entire training, with camera on (infrequent breaks from the camera are permitted)
    • Participate in break out rooms and activities
  • Please contact AHVNA prior to registration if this is an issue and we can help problem solve.

We want you to get as much out of the virtual training as you would an in-person training!

The link for the training will be sent to registered participants prior to the training.