Supervisor Session
March 3, 2023
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Alberta Home Visitation Network Association
Integrated Strategies for Home Visiting
Growing Great Kids Inc.
Just for Supervisors/Managers (1 additional day):
This day of training introduces Supervisors to four basic roles of supervision, with a special focus on meeting the needs of the individual supervisors attending:
- Management Systems for Launching Your Program
- Supporting Family Visitors to Integrate Training into On-the-Job Skills
- Supervision
- Quality Management for New Programs
How It Works Virtually:
All registrants must attend a virtual orientation the Wednesday (Feb 22, 2023) before the training from 11-12 noon MST (Alberta time)
Supervisors attend all five days
- prerequisite to attend the supervisor training is to attend the GKI-Integrated Strategies for Home visiting (first four days).
- If you took the GKI-Integrated Strategies for Home Visiting training previously, indicate the date in the comments section of the registration form
Only Supervisors, Managers and other leaders attend Friday
- Virtual, interactive training for 3 hours each morning
- Participants must have a camera on and mic available throughout the entire live virtual session
- And approximately 2-3 hours of self-directed learning each afternoon
- Please register for both (or individually as appropriate):
- Great Kids Integrated Strategies for Home Visitation
- Great Kids Integrated Strategies for Home Visitation Supervisors
Orientation: Wednesday February 22, 2023, 11:00 am-12 noon
Training: Monday, February 27 – Thursday, March 2, 2023, approximately 9:00 am- 4:00 pm
- This training has up to two hours self directed learning in the afternoon
- Live virtual training is 9:00-12:00 noon daily (must be in attendance)
Supervisors must attend all of the above, plus Friday session, March 3, 2023 (9:00-12:00 noon)
Registration must be completed by Monday, January 16, 2023
Payment: This training is free for provincially funded Home Visitation and Early Childhood programs within Family Resource Networks – Alberta Home Visitation and Family Resource Networks – Early Childhood Spokes
Supervisor day is included in the fee for the Great Kids Inc Integrated Strategies Training.
Two Part Registration
- Register online at www.ahvna.org
- Each registrant must have a unique email address
- Registrants will be emailed a link to complete registration on the Great Kids Inc. Academy
This training is free for provincially funded Home Visitation and Early Childhood Spokes within Family Resource Networks (FRNs)
HV spoke: $0.00
Family Resource Network (FRN) – Early Childhood Spokes: $0.00
Space is Limited- Max 16 participants
Cancellation Policy (note changes):
Cancellations or substitutions need to be made approximately 4 weeks prior to the workshop date, and prior to registration in the GKI portal. Changes cannot be made once an individual is registered in the Great Kids Inc Academy.
There is a NO SHOW charge (of up to $2000.00 US) for all absent registrants.
Virtual Training Expectations:
- As this is a virtual training, not a webinar, each participant must have access to a camera, microphone and internet
- Requirements to receive a certificate:
- Attend the entire training, with camera on (infrequent breaks from the camera are permitted)
- Participate in break out rooms and activities
- Please contact AHVNA prior to registration if this is an issue and we can help problem solve.
We want you to get as much out of the virtual training as you would an in-person training!