November 25, 2020 - December 16, 2020
9:30 am - 11:00 am
Date: Wednesday, November 25, 2020, Wednesday, December 9 and 16, 2020 DATE CHANGE-no class December 2
Time: 9:30-11:00 am. TIME CHANGE
Webinar- ZOOM link will be sent prior to course commencement
AHVNA Member: $125.00
Home Visitation spoke: Free of charge
Non Member: $200.00
Staff in provinically funded home visitation programs (ie spokes) can attend at no cost as they are covered under a grant.
Provincially funded home visitation programs will be given priority.
Alberta Home Visitation Network Association
is offering
HOVRS for in Practice training webinar series
HOVRS (Home Visit Rating Scales)- Observational Indicators of Home Visit Quality
This is a series of three webinars 90 minutes long offered as an extension of the Developmental Parenting and PICCOLO training. It is for both practitioners and supervisors.
PRE-REQUISITE: Must have completed Developmental Parenting webinar #1 and PICCOLO training
What’s HOVRS?- Indicators of Home Visit Quality
The HOVRS (Home Visit Rating Scales) measures the quality of home visits to families with infants,toddlers and young children. HOVRS was developed based on input from practitioners and validated observations of home visits in 2 infant-toddler home visiting programs and has been adapted for easier use (HOVRS-A) and for observing indicators of excellence into HOVR3S. The HOVRS scales, particularly the home visiting practices quality scales, predict positive outcomes for parenting and child development. A Short video clip of a home visit will provide the opportunity to observe examples of HOVRS indicators and to discuss ways to use the tool effectively to support effective practices in Developmental Parenting programs.
HOVRS for Practitioners and Supervisors.
Programs that deliver parenting support services through home visiting need a way to measure the quality of home visits. By using the HOVRS observation measurement tool, practitioners and supervisors will be able to track their progress toward home visiting that effectively supports Developmental Parenting. The HOVRS tool includes 7 rating scales, supported by research evidence and practitioner descriptions: 4 rating scales of home visiting practices quality (Responsiveness, Relationship, Facilitation, Non-Intrusiveness) and 3 rating scales of family engagement quality (Parent-Child Interaction, Parent Engagement, Child Engagement). This session will describe how HOVRS was developed and its reliability and validity. Video of home visits will provide opportunities to practice scoring HOVR3S and to discuss ways to use the measure to support effective home visiting.
PRE-REQUISITE: Must have completed the Developmental Parenting webinar #1 and PICCOLO and training
Week one topic: Basics of HOVRS: How HOVRS was developed, how it is set up, how to observe video and score it (using short example clips), and how to interpret it.
Week Two topic: Preparing to Use HOVRS(v3): Practicing to get reliable, planning to use the measure, and practicing observational feedback to home visitors.
Week Three topic: Implementing HOVRS Effectively: How to use HOVRS to respond to home visitor strengths, plan professional development activities to build on those strengths, and improve program impact and quality.
The webinars are 90 minutes long, interactive, adapted to the group, and require participation from each attendee. This is a series of webinars with before-webinar homework assignments, which can get you started on improving home visits or introducing HOVRS. Developmental Parenting (offered on September 23, 2020) and PICCOLO (offered October 14-28, 2020) are prerequisites for the HOVRS webinar series.
Webinar homework may involve readings and discussions, practicing with a measure, writing positive feedback statements, having an online discussion about how the measure fits with current program practices, or other activities.
*A 2-day workshop is needed to implement HOVRS. Your site will need to work on scoring reliability by having 2 or more people work together to meet the agreement criteria for the measure across at least 4 observations after the webinars. The facilitators will share guidelines for this process in the 3rd webinar.
Attendance at all three sessions and completion of homework is required for the certificate.