One Day Session
November 24, 2023
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Alberta Home Visitation Network Association
The Mental Health Building Blocks Series:
Supporting Children’s Grief, Loss and Other Life Changing Transitions
About the Series:
The Mental Health Building Blocks Workshop Series are standalone workshops designed to build frontline staff knowledge to support the mental health of children through the power of the caregiving relationship. Each session will discuss a specific topic related to supporting caregivers to understand and nurture their children’s development, mental health, and functioning. Sessions will provide a family support as well as home visitation lens, bringing focus to supportive, responsive, and connective strategies to support children’s social emotional development through the caregiving relationship.
About the Workshop:
This is the third stand-alone workshop of the Building Blocks Series. This session focuses on how family support workers and home visitors can support caregivers to support their children to move through loss (whether recent or in the past) and grief. This session aims to expand participants’ awareness and understanding of childhood experiences of loss and how to recognize signs of grief in children as these experiences are notably different than those of adults. Participants will learn strategies focusing on acknowledging, validating, and supporting the emotional impact of grief in a way that honours the individuality and uniqueness of the emotional experience in a developmentally appropriate way.
In this session, participants will discuss various loss experiences, including disenfranchised grief, incomplete grief, and invisible grief that continue to negatively impact children’s functioning in day-to-day life. The session will walk participants through learning and skill building opportunities, providing participants with simple but powerful tools to support children with all types of loss.
Date: Friday, November 24, 2023
Time: 09:00 am – 12:00 pm
Virtual Workshop Expectations
In this training, attendees will practice, participate, and discuss; we also use breakout rooms.
As such each person attending must have the following:
- Computer with camera, microphone, and internet connection
- The package of materials emailed to participants.
We want people to get as much from our virtual training as they would from an in-person training
FRN- Home Visitation Spoke: Free
FRN – Early Childhood Spoke: Free
AHVNA Member: $30.00
Non-Member: $50.00
Cancellation Policy:
Registration fees are non-refundable.
We encourage you to send a substitute if you are unable to attend the workshop, as there is a NO SHOW charge for all absent registrants. Cancellations need to be made ONE WEEK prior to the workshop date.
Should a workshop not reach its minimum registration requirement, it will be cancelled ONE WEEK prior to the workshop commencement date. Registrants will be informed by email or telephone, and registration fees will be refunded.