Alberta Home Visitation
Network Association

Expired Perinatal Mood Disorders and Post-Partum Scary Thoughts Professional Learning Workshop (Virtual)

  • Day 1
     November 23, 2023
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Day 2
     November 24, 2023
     9:00 am - 12:00 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Perinatal Mood Disorder and Post-Partum Scary Thoughts

Professional Training Workshop

Presented by

Alberta Home Visitation Network

Learning Objectives:

Day 1 – PPD 101: What you need to know about Perinatal Mood Disorder

  • The range of the Postpartum experience and all that it can encompass
  • What to look for and how to create space to speak about Post-partum challenges
  • How to support those families who are struggling during the post-partum period

Day 2 – Secrets Mother Keep: Let’s Talk About Postpartum Scary Thoughts

  • Focus on this specific piece of Perinatal Mood Disorder
  • The prevalence of scary thoughts and the impact it has a person’s ability to move forward
  • Information from Karen Kleiman & Amy Wenzel’s book, Dropping the Baby and Other Scary Thoughts: Breaking the Cycle of Unwanted Thoughts in Motherhood explored, as well as the over 20 years of experience from the Perinatal Mental Health team at Families Matter.

There will be concrete concepts and tools provided throughout both days that will support front-line workers in navigating these conversations and tools that can be shared with the families you support.

Date: Thursday, November 23 and Friday, November 24, 2023 (Register by Thursday November 9, 2023)

Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Location: Virtual Zoom (link to be emailed out day before training)


AHVNA Member: $50

Non-Member: $85

Home Visitation Spoke: no charge

Family Resource Network (FRN) – Early Childhood Spoke: no charge

Virtual Training Expectations:

  • As this is a virtual training, not a webinar, each participant must have access to a camera, mic and internet
  • Requirements to receive a certificate:
    • Attend the entire training, with camera on (infrequent breaks from the camera are permitted)
    • Participate in break out rooms and activities
  • Please contact AHVNA prior to registration if this is an issue and we can help problem solve.

We want you to get as much out of the virtual training as you would an in-person training!

Cancellation Policy:

Registration fees are non-refundable.

We encourage you to send a substitute if you are unable to attend the workshop, as there is a NO SHOW charge for all absent registrants. Cancellations need to be made ONE WEEK prior to the workshop date.

Should a workshop not reach its minimum registration requirement, it will be cancelled ONE WEEK prior to the workshop commencement date. Registrants will be informed by e-mail or telephone, and registration fees will be refunded.