Alberta Home Visitation
Network Association

Expired PICCOLO for Practitioners Training (Virtual Webinar Series) TIME CHANGE – Registration Closed

  •  October 14, 2020 - October 28, 2020
     9:30 am - 1:00 am
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 and Wednesday, October 21, 2020 and October 28, 2020 (Register by October 7, 2020)

Time: 9:30-11:00 am TIME CHANGE

Location:  Virtual webinar series- ZOOM link will be sent to registrants the week prior to commencement


AHVNA Member: $150.00

Home Visitation spoke: Free of Charge

Non-Member: $200.00

Note: Staff in provincially funded home visitation programs can attend at no charge as they are covered under a grant.  

Provinically funded home visitation programs will be given priority.

Alberta Home Visitation Network Association

is offering

PICCOLO training virtual webinar series

This three-session series focus on the use of the PICCOLO assessment tool.  Lori Roggman will be facilitating the workshop with Mark Innocenti. This workshop will be valuable for home visitors, family support workers and early childhood professionals and their supervisors. The focus of the developmental parenting program is on showing professionals how to put parents in charge of supporting their children’s development- resulting in strong parent-child relationships, healthy families and improved school readiness.

The Developmental Parenting webinar on September 23, 2020 is a prerequisite for this series.

What’s PICCOLO? An Assessment Tool for Developmental Parenting

PICCOLO (Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes) is an observational measure of the developmental parenting. Accurate observation of postive parenting behaviours can help practitioners identify Developmental Parenting behaviors to encourage and expand on. PICCOLO is  a valid, reliable, user-friendly assessment tool that guides observations of parenting behaviours in 4-domains: Affection, Responsiveness, Encouragement, and Teaching. Several video observations of parent-child interactions will be part of the training and discussion.

Week one topic: Basics of PICCOLO: How PICCOLO was developed, how it is set up, how to observe video and score it (using short example clips), and how to interpret it.

Week two topicPICCOLOPracticing to get reliable, planning to use the measure, and practicing observational feedback to caregivers.

Week three topicImplementing PICCOLO EffectivelyHow to use PICCOLO to respond to caregiver strengths, plan home visit activities to build on those strengths, and improve program impact and quality.

The webinars are 90 minutes long, interactive, adapted to the group, and require participation from each attendee. This is a series of webinars with before-webinar homework assignments, which can get you started on improving home visits or introducing PICCOLO. Developmental Parenting (offered on September 23, 2020) is a prerequisite for the PICCOLO webinar series.

Webinar homework may involve readings and discussions, practicing with a measure, writing positive feedback statements, having an online discussion about how the measure fits with current program practices, or other activities.

*A 2-day workshop is needed to implement PICCOLO. Your site will need to work on scoring reliability by having 2 or more people work together to meet the agreement criteria for the measure across at least 4 observations after the webinar. The facilitators will share guidelines for this process in the 3rd webinar.

Attendance at all three sessions and completion of homework is required for the certificate.