October 20, 2020 - November 10, 2020
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Alberta Home Visitation Network Association
is offering a
Virtual Book Club (VBC)
Developmental Parenting Part 2 – Program Development, Supervision and Management
This 4-week, one hour weekly virtual book club will be offered via Zoom.
Developmental Parenting – A Guide for Early Childhood Practitioners
Now that you have explored the ABCs of Developmental Home Visitation and how to apply it to partnerships with families, the question becomes: how does a leadership team set up a developmental parenting home visitation program or shift an already established program?
Through chapters 8-11 of the Developmental Parenting book, VBC members will dive into program elements that support home visitors in their work and help maintain a parenting-focused model. This includes supervision as both a parallel process and a tool to support ongoing development, as well as examining assessments, outcomes, evaluation and ongoing program improvement.
Pre-requisite: AHVNA’s Virtual Book Club (VBC) Developmental Parenting Part 1 – Home Visiting
Who should attend:
AHVNA members with an interest in exploring the practice of home visitation and how to apply theory to supervision, program development, outcomes, evaluation and management, who have completed AHVNA’s Virtual Book Club Developmental Parenting Part 1 – Home Visiting.
What to expect from AHVNA’s Virtual Book Club:
AHVNA Virtual Book Clubs engage in reflection, discussion and mutual learning to develop and inform our practice. Discussions take place in a safe, respectful environment intended to stretch our thinking and enrich our practice.
After each discussion, you will receive an email with a few questions intended to guide, but by no means limit, your reading and exploration of the next section.
What will be expected of Participants:
Participants will be expected to read a selection of the Developmental Parenting book weekly (about 15-30 pages per week)
Attend once weekly virtual book club discussions via Zoom.
Come to the discussion with a curious and reflective mind; looking to learn and share.
Date: Oct 20, 2020 – Nov 10, 2020 (weekly on Tuesdays)
Time: 10:00-11:00 am (note: Tuesday Oct 20, 2020 will start at 9:30 am)
Location: Zoom Link will be emailed to registrants the morning of each weekly discussion
Contact training@ahvna.org ahead of time if you would like assistance with using Zoom
Fee: Included in AHVNA Membership