Alberta Home Visitation
Network Association

What do Home Visitors Do?

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How Families describe what Home Visitors do

Offers encouragement and makes us feel like we are good parents and on the right track

  • Help us to care for ourselves and find other community supports.
  • Help us to identify and respond to our child’s cues
  • Helps us set and work towards goals for ourselves and our family

Build Trusting Relationships

  • Someone outside of my family who provides a listening ear to discuss family difficulties and challenges
  • Build a trusting relationship—know we can count on our Home Visitor
  • Create a relaxed environment that is educational and enjoyable
  • Develop goals based on our family’s needs

Make Connections

  • Make referrals to community-based resources and other supports
  • Helps us to connect more to support we already have and know

Provide Information

  • Offers information/knowledge about child development to strengthen our parenting skills and to help our children reach developmental milestones
  • Responds to our questions and concerns
  • Provides opportunities for hands-on real learning experiences
  • Is aware of potential problems and point these out
  • Shows us learning activities, e.g., games and rhymes, how to read to our children
  • Teaches us to problem solve


  • Connects us with other service providers/organization

Resource: Exploring Best Practices in Home Visitation, Partners for Best Practice in Home Visitation, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada