Alberta Home Visitation
Network Association

Membership | Organization Non-Profit

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AHVNA Membership Form - Organization Non-Profit
Organization Non-Profit membership is for those organizations that are not for profit who would like be a part of the Alberta Home Visitation Network Association. (includes other FRN spokes that are not Home visitation spokes)

Primary Contact Information

Note: This person will be able to make changes on the AHVNA website for your agency.

Membership Information


Funding Sources

(please specify sources or funding body and percentage of budget):


(significant in-kind)
Description (e.g. office space)
(please specify)
2. Alberta Children’s Services and Alberta Community & Social Services
Program Staffing: Current *FTE = Full Time Equivalent

Description of Program/Service

Complete this section if your program provides direct service to families.
(i.e., what communities do you serve)?
(check all that apply)
(e.g., if families are referred to your program under a Child Protection Order or Support Agreement, or through the Courts, nature of participation would be Mandatory.)
(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
Price: $100.00

Complete the membership application form and  pay online with a credit card or send it with your cheque to:

#170, 14315-118 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
T5L 4S6

Cheques are made payable to Alberta Home Visitation Network Association