Nobody’s Perfect
What is Nobody’s Perfect?
Nobody’s Perfect is a facilitated parenting program for parents of children from birth to age 5. The program is designed to meet the needs of parents who are young, single, socially or geographically isolated, or who have low income or limited formal education. It is offered in communities by facilitators to help support parents and young children.
At Nobody’s Perfect sessions, you can learn about your child’s feelings, behaviours, body and safety, as well as sharing what it is like to be a parent. Sessions are based on what you and other parents want to learn about, not step by step from a book.
It’s about you!
Nobody’s Perfect is “participant-centred.” It is based on the understanding that adults learn best when:
- their background and life experiences are valued and respected;
• they have a voice in deciding what they will learn and the program is based on what they want and need to learn;
• they are part of a supportive group; and
• the program allows them to build confidence and self-esteem by offering opportunities to try new skills and behaviours
Respecting Values
Nobody’s Perfect is not about changing values. It is about acknowledging the values—and the diversity of values—in any group. The focus is on examining the impact values have on the choices parents make every day. One of the strengths of Nobody’s Perfect is that it offers parents opportunities to explore their values and understand how values influence parenting and other aspects of their lives. The point of a discussion about values is to help everyone to recognize their own values, not to “convert” parents to any particular set of values. Looking closely at values offers an opportunity to question them, to expand them or to affirm them.
What is the training/certification process?
Nobody’s Perfect uses a “train-the-trainer” approach to training and certifying facilitators, trainers and master trainers.
Facilitators work directly with parents within their communities.
Trainers provide training sessions to individuals wishing to become facilitators.
* Content on this page is from the Nobody’s Perfect website